Testing to ensure your extension is compatible with the latest release of Joomla. Don't override old code and layouts.
You've created your extension or template and it's ready to hit the streets but did you check it?
You've had your head buried in the code for weeks and now you are "error blind". Let Brian Teeman, co-founder of Joomla and bug-finder superhero, test your software? Are you brave enough?
I have been providing this service to selected developers for several years. Now I am opening it up to anyone and everyone.
My name is Brian Teeman and I am one of the co-founders of Joomla. For over ten years I have been testing and reviewing extensions and templates.
Some people have a sixth sense that lets them see the future. I have a sixth sense that lets me break your software. I don't know how it works but I have this superpower. So let me be the one that breaks your software and not your clients.
So how much does this cost? Everyone, including me, benefits from higher quality bug-free extensions and templates. Prices start from the low price of £150.
Joomla's greatest feature is the ability to extend and enhance it with extensions and templates. Don't be the one to create a bad first impression with silly errors. With a JOOMLA | Review from Brian Teeman you can be sure your extensions and templates will create the perfect first impression.
Relying on your customers to test and report issues is ok but they are your customers not your employees. Some of them will appreciate being part of the process. Most will just reject your work and move on to something else that just works "out of the box".
You've worked hard to produce your Joomla component, module, plugin or template. Don't miss the opportunity to have it reviewed by an expert. To you, "code is poetry" but your customers never see under the hood they only look at the surface.
Do you want your customers to see errors in their logs, or even worse on their site? Do you want them to struggle to "make it work" because you didn't explain an important option? Don't miss an opportunity to improve!!
When was the last time you actually installed your own extension or template? As a developer you've been working on the code and may not be checking the installation process. No one wants to see an error or an untranslated string on their first install.
I'm sure you have written some great documentation. At least I hope you have. But is it accurate and can the user find the information that they need?
Everyone likes to say that their code is easy to use and that it is powerful. But how easy is it for a user to achieve that. Do you have readable instructions that make sense? Or does the user have to rely on voodoo magic and mind reading?
Joomla provides a user interface - you may not like it but your users know it. If there is a Joomla way to do something it's better if you do it the Joomla way. It will reduce the time it takes for a user to learn.
Testing to ensure your extension is compatible with the latest release of Joomla. Don't override old code and layouts.
Have you even considered "accessibility" during the design process? Most developers have not and yet with experience there can be some easy wins.
There is nothing worse than invalid code and markup. No one wants to see errors in their console or logs.
Do you have so many options that no one knows what to do? Are you taking advantage of new features that simplify your configuration pages?
Did you spot all the errors in the example above? It can be hard when you see it every day.
You created the code but forgot to create the strings. When did you last check the install?
If this is how you are formatting your content then you are doing it wrong.
It doesn't cost anything to ask for a quote. Prices start from £150. What have you got to lose?